Dating can be a minefield at the best of times, but for queer women, there are often additional challenges to navigate. From navigating societal expectations to finding the right balance between independence and commitment, dating as a queer woman can be complicated. In this article, we spoke to 12 queer women about their biggest dating red flags. From communication issues to lack of respect, here's what they had to say.

Are you constantly making excuses for your partner's behavior? Feeling like something just isn't right in your relationship? Check out these 12 red flags that could be signaling trouble in your queer women's dating life. From controlling behavior to lack of communication, these warning signs are important to recognize and address before things get worse. Don't ignore the signs - your happiness and well-being are worth it!

Lack of Communication

One of the most common red flags that queer women mentioned was a lack of communication. Whether it's someone who takes forever to reply to messages or someone who avoids difficult conversations, poor communication can be a big turn-off for many queer women. As one participant put it, "If someone can't communicate openly and honestly, it's a major red flag for me."

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Disrespectful Behavior

Another red flag that came up frequently was disrespectful behavior. From making derogatory comments about someone's identity to being dismissive of their feelings, disrespectful behavior is a major no-no for many queer women. "I once went on a date with someone who made a homophobic joke, and that was a huge red flag for me," said one participant.

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Inconsistent Behavior

Inconsistency was also a common red flag mentioned by queer women. Whether it's someone who blows hot and cold or someone who cancels plans at the last minute, inconsistent behavior can be a major source of frustration for many queer women. "I once dated someone who would be really attentive one day and then completely distant the next, and it was so confusing," said one participant.

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Lack of Respect for Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is crucial in any relationship, and many queer women mentioned it as a major red flag. Whether it's someone who pushes for physical intimacy too soon or someone who disregards someone's need for space, lack of respect for boundaries can be a deal-breaker for many queer women. "I once dated someone who wouldn't take no for an answer, and it was a huge red flag for me," said one participant.

Emotional Unavailability

Emotional unavailability was another red flag mentioned by many queer women. Whether it's someone who is unable to open up about their feelings or someone who is constantly guarded, emotional unavailability can make it difficult to build a meaningful connection. "I once dated someone who seemed completely closed off emotionally, and it was a major red flag for me," said one participant.

Lack of Empathy

Empathy is an important trait in any relationship, and many queer women mentioned it as a red flag. Whether it's someone who is unable to understand someone else's perspective or someone who is dismissive of their feelings, lack of empathy can be a major turn-off for many queer women. "I once dated someone who couldn't empathize with my experiences as a queer woman, and it was a huge red flag for me," said one participant.

Unwillingness to Compromise

Compromise is an essential part of any relationship, and many queer women mentioned it as a red flag. Whether it's someone who always wants things their way or someone who is unwilling to meet halfway, unwillingness to compromise can be a major source of conflict. "I once dated someone who refused to compromise on anything, and it was a major red flag for me," said one participant.

Lack of Ambition

Ambition and drive are attractive qualities in a partner, and many queer women mentioned a lack of ambition as a red flag. Whether it's someone who lacks direction in their career or someone who is content to coast through life, lack of ambition can be a major turn-off for many queer women. "I once dated someone who had no ambition or drive, and it was a major red flag for me," said one participant.


Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that involves manipulating someone into doubting their own reality, and many queer women mentioned it as a red flag. Whether it's someone who denies their own behavior or someone who tries to make someone feel crazy, gaslighting is a major red flag for many queer women. "I once dated someone who would constantly gaslight me, and it was a huge red flag for me," said one participant.

Lack of Boundaries

Boundaries are important in any relationship, and many queer women mentioned a lack of boundaries as a red flag. Whether it's someone who is too clingy or someone who is overly possessive, lack of boundaries can be a major source of tension. "I once dated someone who had no concept of personal space, and it was a major red flag for me," said one participant.

Inability to Apologize

The ability to apologize is an important trait in any relationship, and many queer women mentioned it as a red flag. Whether it's someone who is unable to admit when they're wrong or someone who never takes responsibility for their actions, inability to apologize can be a major source of conflict. "I once dated someone who could never admit when they were wrong, and it was a major red flag for me," said one participant.

Lack of Trust

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and many queer women mentioned it as a red flag. Whether it's someone who is constantly suspicious or someone who is unable to trust their partner, lack of trust can be a major source of tension. "I once dated someone who was always checking up on me and questioning my every move, and it was a major red flag for me," said one participant.

In conclusion, dating as a queer woman can be challenging, but being aware of red flags can help navigate the complexities of dating. Whether it's poor communication, lack of respect, or emotional unavailability, recognizing these red flags can help queer women make informed decisions about their relationships. By being mindful of these red flags, queer women can create healthy and fulfilling relationships in the dating world.